Sunday, February 9, 2020

On Healers and Healing

I haven't written a post in a good long while; I guess sometimes, life just takes over and our best intentions get lost. But I have a voice. And I don't want that voice to be lost in the shuffle of life anymore!  So here goes:

This morning I woke up thinking about healers. Some of the healers in our world are those out there on the front lines - our Doctors, Nurses,  Therapists, Firefighters, etc. I highly respect them and wish blessings upon them for without these public helpers/healers, our world would be a dismal place indeed.

But there's other kinds of healers out there as well, and probably more in number; healers that go about their 'practice' quietly, behind the scenes.  You know who I mean. The  woman who tirelessly rescues stray animals, brings them into her home and lovingly makes them part of her family. The man who, when he goes for his daily walk around his neighborhood, brings a bag and picks up any little piece of trash he sees. Countless men, women and children everywhere who, when they see an ambulance racing to assist someone in need, send up a silent prayer for angels to come and minister to those hurt. Others who, when finding a spider or other such creature inside their house instead of ending the innocent little life, trap it in a cup and take it outside where it can continue to live and thrive.

There's other kinds of behind the scenes healers too. Grocery shoppers who bring their own cloth  bags to do their own little part to keep plastic bags out of our oceans.  Your friend at work who is so in tune to things you have shared with her that one day, she gives you a safety pin (you know who you are!) and it brings tears of joy to your eyes because it's so beautifully symbolic. Such a seemingly tiny act, done years ago now, yet still huge in my heart of hearts. (And I still have that little safety pin today!)  The teacher who, at the end of a long day, wants nothing more than to go home but stays behind to talk with a shy student who needs encouragement. (And you know who you are too! I have never forgotten.)

We all know helpers like these. Take a moment today, right now, to silently give thanks in your heart for the ones you have encountered, because I know you have.  And I'm pretty sure that everyone who reads this has, at one time or another, been this kind of healer to a friend, family member, stranger, an animal or insect.... even to our entire world as a whole every time you choose the path of love over hate.

Heal on.

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