Saturday, February 7, 2015


So this morning I woke up feeling called to talk a little more about my struggle with, and subsequent recovery from, clinical depression. Depression is a terrible, insidious thing; we all know that. It robs a person of so much. For me, antidepressants were a big part of my recovery, but not all. It was a combination of meds and talk therapy (Jungian depth therapy here) that brought about my recovery. I've been off the meds for going on 2 years now, but continue with the talk therapy, because I believe there is always room for self-growth, no matter who you are. I value this work so much, and it is a challenging, most rewarding process getting to know myself so deeply. And it doesn't stop there. By improving myself and my relationship with me, I'm finding that all of my other relationships have gotten better, have gotten stronger. And for the first time in my life, I can actually see that I am indeed valued by many.  Which in turn allows me to value others more. Ah, circles... so much of life I find is circular... "The Circle of Life" isn't just a song, it's a fact, my friends!!  We are all one. Everything comes back around... this post, even. What I was thinking this morning that called me to write, was about the things that depression robs us of. One thing in particular, it robs us of our passion for life. That's one of the things that meds couldn't give back to me; I found it back gradually through, you got it, talking with my therapist. I've been posting a lot on facebook lately about getting back into Girl Scouting - I'm so excited about that - that's but one of my passions that depression stole from me, and that I have re-discovered. There are quite a few others, but those are for another post.

I hope everyone has a blessed day!

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