Friday, October 3, 2014

Thoughts on inspiration and motivation

I'm thinking about inspiration this morning... that, and her sister motivation. Now I've gotten myself trained to write every day, whether or not I am feeling particularly inspired or even motivated to do so, as it's become a habit at this point. But I'm talking about something else... hmm, how do I say this, the chasing of that spark of inspiration, that feeling of "I have to write this NOW or it will be gone forever!" when I pull the car over to the side of the road, dig around the floorboards for a scrap of paper big enough to scribble a few notes on, which I then proceed to lose, and frantically search for after I get home.  Yeah, that.  And then when I finally find it again, I stare at it, completely unmotivated to do anything WITH it, the push of the moment of inspiration over, then copy it into my journal where it goes into hibernation until I'm motivated enough to work with it.

Wait, did I just say I chase that? I did, didn't I. And I guess I do. It's exciting to get that spark, after all! Alas, it isn't always that exciting.  Inspiration hides in all kinds of unlikely places... that's why it's so important to be Awake and not go through life like an automaton. I spent too many years of my life going through the motions as they say, eyes straight ahead going to work, doing my job, taking care of my family, you know the drill. Getting it all done, but effectively asleep. Waiting for "inspiration" to strike, and rarely putting pen to paper. It took a lot of work in therapy for me to be able to say that I am now living my life truly awake, and inspiration is just a turn of the head away.

Sometimes, of course, it just jumps right out and says HELLO!!

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