Monday, April 27, 2015

On Synchronicity

So driving home from work today, I was thinking (I do some of my best thinking behind the wheel!) about synchronicity, and I decided to try and describe how it feels to experience synchronicity. To start with, a definition of the concept (thanks to Bing):

[ ˌsiNGkrəˈnisitē ]
  1. the simultaneous occurrence of events that appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection:  "such synchronicity is quite staggering"
Anyone who knows me at all, knows that I'm big on Feelings with a capital F, though, so of course I feel (ha, see what I did there?) driven to describe how it feels to experience a synchronicity, beginning with an example from my own life.

Not long ago, I had a dream where Snake figured prominently. I do a lot of dream work so had spent some time working with Snake in the days following the dream.. Shortly after that, the organizer of the drumming group I frequent posted an event with Snake energy as the main theme, so of course I signed up immediately and it was a tremendously meaningful session for me. AND, driving home from said event, I looked over to the side of the road at one point and saw a SNAKE slithering into the bushes!  Aha. Synchronicity.  Now to attempt to describe what it feels like.... it's like for that briefest moment, seconds even, something numinous is ALMOST within your grasp; like you can almost touch it if you could just reach through....something. It's like, a split-second but profound connection with the Divine.

How'd I do, ya'all? Comments welcome.